Translator’s Introduction
Author’s Foreword
Chapter I: Disposing of three trios
I. Three monotheisms?
1. Monotheism is not essentially religious
2. There are not only three monotheisms
3. Do monotheism and polytheism simply
oppose one another?
4. The real question
5. Islamic monotheism
6. A mutual recognition of the
II. Three religions of Abraham?
Common personages
1. The same Abraham?
2. Three religions of Abraham, or only one?
III. Three religions of the book?
1. A deceptive expression
2. Three very different books
3. Three relations to the book
4. The idea of revelation
IV. Three religions?
1. How do the three religions distinguish
themselves from one another?
2. Three books?
Chapter 2: To know God
I. To know
1. What does “to know” mean?
2. To know the singular
3. Self-knowledge, personal knowledge,
knowledge of God
4. To look in the right place
II. A particular object
1. “Open your eye, the good one!”
2. Faith and knowledge
3. To know a paradoxical object
4. Faith, will, love
Chapter 3: The one God
I. Oneness
1. The dangers of monotheism
2. The rediscovery of polytheism
3. The dogma of the Trinity and political
II. Unity
1. “Monotheism”: a vague concept
2. Uniqueness and unity
3. The concrete problem
III. Union: the human model
1. The bond of charity
2. Love and identity
3. To accept the other as other
IV. Union: the Trinitarian model
1. Relation
2. To give rise to the other
Conclusion: United to the one God?
Chapter 4: God the Father
1. Sexuality and the image of God
2. Masculinity and virility
3. Creation and paternity
4. Uncoupling paternity and virility
Chapter 5: A God who has said everything
I. Nothing more to say
1. Power, or the word
2. A stingy grace?
3. The definitive religion
4. A God reduced to silence
5. The discourse of the God who is mute
II. The silence of the flesh
1. Who wants more, really wants less
2. Without return
3. The incarnate Word
4. The Trinity
III. After Everything
1. What to do when everything is said?
2. The word now belongs to us
3. A general rule
Chapter 6: A God who asks nothing of us
I. I know what to do
1. The amplitude of the normative
2. What does God ask?
3. The end of the Law
II. God’s expectation
1. The vegetal model
2. The Old Testament
3. The New Testament
III. Responding to the expectation
1. To eat
2. Faith
3. Pride and humility
4. Sacrifice
Conclusion: The “meaning of life”
Chapter 7: A God who forgives sins
I. A few clarifications
1. Sin and pleasure
2. Offending God?
3. Sin presupposes forgiveness
II. My sin
1. Where is evil?
2. “For every sin, mercy”
3. Remission